
期中试卷 | 人教版九年级英语上册期中测试题(含听力 参考答案)

更多微课点关注→ 初中微课资源 2023-02-27








时间:120分钟 满分:150

卷 听力部分(30)


1. A. comedy 



2. A. pretty


    C. proud

3. A. remind



4. A. parents



5. A. gave up

    B.ended up

    C. turnedup


11. Where are they talking?

A. In a library. 

B.In a classroom.

C. In acinema.

12. What is Tony doing now?

A. Writing a letter. 

B.Writing a note.

C. Giving a speech.

13. Which team is the boy going to join?

A. The swim team.  

B.The tennis team.

C. The soccer team.

14. What does the boy know?

A. The local food.

B. The local brands.

C. The local people.

15. What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Father and daughter.

B. Mother and son.

C. Brother and sister.


听下面一段对话,回答第16 17小题。

16. When does the conversation happen?

A. In the morning.

B. In the afternoon. 

C. In the evening.

17. What's in the second mooncake?

A. Some meat. 

B. An egg. 

C. Some fruits.


18. How is the weather?


B. Cloudy. 

C. Rainy.

19. What are the old people doing in the park?

A. Walking. 

B. Singing.


20. Who gets up earliest in the boy's family?

A. His mother.

B. His grandfather. 

C. His grandmother.


21. When are they going on a trip?

A. This Saturday.

B. Next Saturday. 

C. Next Sunday.

22. What time are they going to leave?

A. At 630 am.

B. At 700 am.

C. At 730 am.

23. Which place will they visit before lunch?

A. A big beach.   

B. A bird center.

C. A new museum.

24. How long will they stay in the restaurant?

A. For about an hour.

B. For about 45 minutes.

C. For about half an hour.

25. What are they advised to take?

A. A camera. 

B. A sweater.

C.An umbrella.


Li Ming visited his(26)________

Where to visit


How to visit

By (28)________.

The time he got to the station

At (29)________ in the next morning.

The time he set off


第二卷 笔试部分(120)


31. —What is the ________ of your excellent spoken English?

—Practice makes perfect!

A. result   B. influence 

C.duty  D. secret

32. In the class, my brother sits ________ me. We are at the same age.

A. beside   B. among 

  C.up      D.through

33. —________fresh air it is now!

—Yes. ________go out for a walk.

A. HowLet

B.What aLet's 

C. WhatLet's

D. HowLet us

34. Mygrandmother likes to go to the garden and________ the flowers on the springmorning.

A. taste B. sound 

C.smell  D. look

35. The water is not ________ enough. Add some more sugar, please.

A. crispy


C. sour 


36. Mr Liis ________ known as a good doctor here, so he is busy treating his patientsevery day.

A. widely  B. easily 

C.wisely    D.hardly

37. —It's important for us to know ________ to study all the subjects.

—Yeah, group work is my favorite.

A. how   

B. when



38. The best way of ________ the problem is by asking the teacher for help.

A. looking up

B.dealing with

C. giving up

D.agreeing with

39. The story is really ________. It makes all of us laugh.

A. correct   B. boring 

C.humorous   D. direct

40.Welcome to our city. Now you can see many tall buildings on ________ sides ofthe street.

A. either B. all                    

C.neither D.both

41. Theseyears, the price of food, drinks, clothes and almost everything else ________so quickly.

A. creates                                                  


C. improves                                              


42. —Do I have to attend the meeting myself?

—Yes. It's quite an important meeting. You mustattend it ______.

A. in person                                               

B.in danger 

C. in public                                                

D.in trouble

43. —Could you tell me where cotton ________ in China?

—Well, in the north of China, I think.

A. plants                                                    


C. is planted                                               

D.is planting 

44. —Hello, Frank. Don't you remember me? I'm Jenny.

—Wow, it ________ ten years since we last met.You've changed so much!

A. was   B. has been          

C.will be  D. had been

45. —My bike is broken. Can you help me fix it?

—No problem. ________.

A. Use it or lose it                                  

B.It serves you right

C. It's a piece of cake                               

D.Practice makes perfect

七、完形填空(20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30)


There was a king living in southern India. Hewanted to know about his village, so he said to his courtiers(臣子), “Go and bring the person who knows about the secret of__46__  . ”

The next day, the courtiers saw a man cutting downtrees and asked, “Do you__47__this job, sir”The man replied, “No, I did it because my parentsmade me cut them down. ”

Soon they saw a__48__and asked, “Do you like thisjob, sir” The man answered, “No. When I was young, I didn'tshow a(n)__49__in study, so I have to clean the streets now. ”

Then the courtiers decided to go back and told theking the__50__. But suddenly, they saw a teacher reading a science book.__51__they asked him the same question. The teacher replied, “I__52__this joband it gives me happiness when I teach so many children. ” Hearing this, thecourtiers were__53__him for knowing the secret of work. So they took him to seethe__54__  . And the king gave him aprize.

It doesn't__55________what you do, you should takean interest in that. That's the secret of work.

46.A. work B. wealth              

    C. happiness D.life

47.A. find   B. have                 

    C. like      D.take

48.A. doctor   B. teacher               

     C.farmer    D. cleaner

49.A. problem  B. interest               

    C.mistake   D. ability

50.A. reason  B. cause                

    C.result    D. question

51.A. So    B. But                     

     C. Or    D.For

52.A. dislike   B. love                   

    C.lose    D.miss

53.A. pleased with            

    B. angry with

C. worried about          

D. sorry for

54.A. cleaner  

    B. teacher               


    D. king

55.A. know                       

    B. matter                

    C. understand        



Humans are born with the ability to communicate,but some people are better at it than others. Some people are very goodat__56__  , and find it easy to expresstheir ideas to other people. Other people find it difficult to express themselves well, especially__57__  . The good news is that communication skills can be__58__ . Here are some pieces of advice   __59__that talking to other people depends on body language and facial expressions besides words. If you look and sound confident (自信的), people will__60__what you say.

 Look peoplein the eye when you speak to them. It makes you seem more__61__ open and friendly, and people will find it easier and more fun to talk to you.

 Practice__62__to other people. The most important part of communication is listening. That's why we have two ears and one mouth. When you listen to people, watching their __63__ and body language will help you understand what they mean.

 Think__64__you open your mouth. The best communicators express their ideas in short and simple ways. If you are trying to convince (使信服) people of something, be clear and__65__as few words as possible.

56.A. games                    

B. words                


D. sports

57.A. in public                 

B. in silence            

C. in fact              

D.in person

58.A. explained      

B. introduced          

C. learned              


59.A. Remember              

B. Expect                

C. Agree               

D. Hope

60.A. get on with                                              

B.come up with 

C. look forward to                                         

D.pay attention to

61.A. clever                    B. creative              

C.honest              D. successful

62.A. talking                   B. listening             

C.showing            D. going

63.A. face                       B. bag                    

C.hair                  D.house

64.A. after                       B. when                  

C.until                D. before

65.A. keep                       B. tell                    

C.use                   D.promise


AWelcome to my birthday party, Aunt Millie.

BHappy birthday! This is a gift for you.

AOh, an iPad. What a surprise! Thank you very much,Aunt Millie.


AI've always wanted an iPad. (67)________

BAnd you can use it to talk with your friendsonline, too.

AYes. (68)________

BDownload a song? Oh, just do it like this.(69)________

AYes, it is not difficult.

B(70)________Yourparents will be angry with you if you spend too much time on it.

AI won't, I promise.

A. Do you need to turn it off?

B. Have you got it?

C. I am happy you like it.

D. Could you tell me how to download a song?

E. I can watch films on it.

F. Just don't spend too much time on it.

G. How can I send an email?



There lived a woman whose husband had a bad habit.The man would drink a lot every day. This caused him to lose his normal senses(意识) for most of the time.

 The woman tried many times to help him get out of this habit, but all her efforts(努力) were useless!

 Every night,someone else would have to bring him back home. One such night when he was brought home, the woman had him carried to a grave in the neighborhood. She thought she could teach him a good lesson by making him scared. Then he would stop his bad habit.

 Then shedressed herself in a dark colored dress. She wore a mask(面具) on her face. She waited for him to wake up.

 When the woman saw her husband returning to his senses, she moved towards him with thescary mask. Then, she gave him some bread to eat and spoke loudly, “Get up andeat. It is my job to bring food for the dead. ”

 The husband was very afraid. He ran home at once. From that day on, he gave up his bad habit.

 Of course itis a joke and a story. However, this story tells us a truth. Some bad habits can make us get into trouble sometimes. If we give up our bad habits, we can live a normal happy life.

71. The underlined word “grave” means ________ in Chinese.

A. 饭馆             B. 角落                    

C. 坟墓             D.死角

72. The woman gave some ________ to her husband when he woke up.

A. food               B. drinks                   

C.money           D.senses

73. The husband ran home quickly after he woke up because ________.

A. he was very hungry                         

B.he missed his wife

C. he was very cold                               

D.he was too scared

74. The story mainly tells us that ________.

A. health is most important in our life

B. we must keep away from bad habits

C. a bad habit is not built up in a day

D. trust can build up a happy family


Nanjing Museum Notice to Visitors

Opening hours

900—1700 (Closed dayMonday)

Ways to

 get  tickets

Visitors may take tickets from the automatic  ticket machine(自动售票机). Visitors can also take tickets from the  Service Center.


Please accept the security check(安检) before going to the hall.

People with pets are not allowed to get in.

Do not take photos with the flashlight(闪光灯).

Please visit in order and care about the  environment of the hall.


No. 321, Zhongshan Road


20 yuan  per person

For more information, call Mr Yang at 82865937 or  Mrs Li at 82865962.

75. You can visit Nanjing Museum ________.

A. at 930 on Monday     

B. after 515 pm 

C. before 900 am   

D. at No. 321, Zhongshan Road

76. In how many ways can visitors get tickets?

A. One.          B.Two.  

C. Three.        D.Four.

77. Jack and his parents are going to visit the museum. How much shouldthey pay?

A. 20 yuan.                B.40 yuan.        

C.60 yuan.               D.80 yuan.

78. Which of the following is true?

A. People can go to the museum with their pets.

B. Children need to pay 20 dollars for the tickets.

C. People can take photos in the museum with theflashlight.

D. People must accept the security check beforewalking into the hall.


A wise man provided a prince(王子) with a set of three small dolls(玩偶). The prince looked carefully and saw a hole inthe ear of each doll.

The wise man gave him a piece of string(线) and asked him to pass it through each doll. The prince picked up the first doll andput the string into the doll's ear with interest. It came out of the other ear.

 “This is one kind of person” said the wise man. “Whatever you tell him comesout of his other ear. He doesn't remember anything. ”

 The prince put the string into the second doll. The string then came out of the doll'smouth.

 “This is the second kind of person” said the wise man. “Whatever you tell him, he tells everybody else. ”

 The prince picked up the third doll and repeated the process. The string did not come outfrom anywhere.

 “This is the third kind of man” said the wise man. “Whatever you tell him is locked up within him. It never comes out. ”

 “What is the best kind of person” asked the prince.

 The wise man handed him a fourth doll.

 When theprince put the string into the doll, it came out from the other ear.

 “Do it again” said thewise man. The prince repeated the process. This time the string came out from the mouth. When he put the string in a third time, it did not come out at all.

 “This is the best kind of person” said the wise man. “To be trust worthy(可信赖的), a man must know when to forget, when to remain silent and when to speak out. ”

79. The wise man gave the prince________.

A. three dolls          

B. three dolls and a piece of string

C. four dolls and some string   

D. three dolls and four pieces of string

80. At first, the wise man provided the prince with a set of three small dolls because ________.

A. he wanted to tell the prince who to trust

B. the king asked him for a gift

C. he thought the prince liked dolls very much

D. he wanted to show the prince how to play with them

81. The first doll stands for people who________.

A. remember everything    

B. always keep silent

C. never remember anything   

D. always speak out

82. According to the passage, the prince should trust the kind of people________.

A. who tell everybody else whatever you tell them

B. who know how to do the right thing at the right time

C. who don't remember anything you tell them

D. who can keep silent about what you have done


March 21st is World Sleep Day. Its aim is to celebrate the benefits(好处) of good and healthy sleep.

 Sleep is like food for the brain. Enough sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop. According to the National Sleep Foundation in the US, adults need seven to eight hours of sleep every night. For students aged 10 to 17, ahealthy amount of time is about eight to nine hours per night.

 But many students don't get enough sleep because of early school start times and heavy homework. About 80 percent of middle school students don't get enough sleep,the China Youth and Children Research Center reported. For some students, they want to sleep early, but they keep worrying about their schoolwork and can't fall asleep quickly. For others, they may even have insomnia which might keep them awake all night.

 These sleeping problems greatly influence people's lives. The lack(缺乏) of sleep for teenagers leads to poor grades. Students without enough sleep cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports. Also, the lack of sleep may make them depressed(沮丧的).

 Luckily,with good sleep habits, it is easier to fall asleep. Some of these good habits include avoiding drinks that make people excited late in the day, going to sleep at the same time each night, and sleeping in a comfortable place that is dark, quiet, and neither too warm nor too cold.

83. A 15-year- old student needs to sleep about________ hours every night.

A. less than 7           B.7

C. 7 to 8                   D.8 to 9

84. Some teens don't get enough sleep because ________.

A. they might do well in sports      

B. they might feel unhappy

C. they might have too much homework  

D. their bodies and brains might grow better

85. The underlined word “insomnia” means ________in Chinese.

A. 健忘症                B. 肥胖症         

C. 多动症                 D. 失眠症

86. If teenagers are short of enough sleep, they might ________.

A. get poor grades      

B. get fatter and fatter

C. feel happy all day      

D. always want to drink water in the day

87. Good sleep habits are to ________.

A. go to bed early and get up late

B. go to bed at the same time every night

C. need a warm place to sleep

D. listen to music to sleep every night



Tea bag drinking is most Westerners' favorite wayof drinking tea. Do you know how it came about The tea bag was invented in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan, an American tea seller. He was sending out free tea in silk bags for people to try. People put the bags together with the tea leaves into the cup and added hot water. The tea tasted good, and people thought it was easy toclean the cup. They were not happy when Sullivan started sending them loose(散的) tea again.

 Sullivan realized that he had a hot new thing in his hands, and he built a machine topack the bags. As tea bags became popular, they were changed from silk to gauze(薄纱) and later paper. In 1952, Lipton Tea made the tea bag even more popular with its invention of the four sided tea bag. Tea bags were soon a hit in the UK,and today 85% of the tea in the UK is packed in paper bags. However, many people still prefer loose leaf tea. This is because some tea companies put not very good tea in their tea bags. But for most people, tea bags are still the easy and  tasty way to enjoy tea.

88. Who invented the tea bag(不超过5个词)


89. What's the material of the tea bags now? (不超过5个词)


90. Why do many people like looseleaf tea better? (不超过15个词)



91. The s         (速度) can't be over 60 km per hour on normal roads.

92. Betty was ill in bed, so she was a        (缺席的) from the meeting this morning.

93. The winter vacation n         (通常) begins in January or February.

94. Last weekend, his mother w       (警告) him not to swim in the river.

95. The t           (交通) was so heavy that I spent about two hours driving here.






参考词汇:private car私家车;taxibooking app打车软件

注意:1. 词数80—100

2. 请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥;

3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名;

4. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


Dear Mike

How are you doing? I'm glad to tell you somethingabout people's travel and the traffic in our city.______________________________________________________


Li Hua





二、610: BACBB

      1115: ABCBA



五、26. aunt27. Changsha

28. bus29. 81530. 940

第二卷 笔试部分六、31. D 点拨:根据答句“熟能生巧!”,可以判断问句是“你英语口语说得好的秘诀是什么?”。故选D。 32. A33. C 点拨:本题考查感叹句的结构。句中的中心词是名词air,可判断用what;另外,Let's表示让我们……。故选C34. C 点拨:句意为:我奶奶喜欢在春天的早晨去花园,闻花的香味。结合句意,故选C35. B 点拨:由后一句:请加一些糖;可知前句是水不够甜。故选B36. A 点拨:短语be widely known是一个常见的结构,意为“被广泛地知晓”。结合句意,故选A37. A 点拨:由答句中的group work,可知上句是谈论学习方式,how to study all the subjects故选A38. B 点拨:本题句意为:处理问题的最佳方法是通过向老师求助。故选B39. C 点拨:由后句“让我们都大笑”,可知“这个故事真的很幽默”。故选C40. D 点拨:根据常识:街道有两边。故选D41. D 点拨:本题句意为:这些年,食物、饮料、服装及差不多所有的其他物品的价格增长得如此快速。故选D42. A 点拨:答句意为:是的。它是一个相当重要的会议。你必须亲自参加。根据句意,故选A43. C 点拨:根据句意,问句中的宾语从句要用被动语态。故选C44. B 点拨:考查结构“it has been 时间段 since从句”。故选B45. C 点拨:由答句“没问题”,可判断用“小菜一碟”。故选C七、A)4650: ACDBC5155ABADBB)5660: BACAD6165CBADC八、6670: CEDBF九、A)7174CADBB)7578: DBCDC)7982CACBD)8387: DCDABE)88. Thomas Sullivan. 89. Paper.90. Becausesome tea companies put not very good tea in their tea bags.十、91. speed 92. absent 93. normally 94. warned 95.traffic十一、One possible version

Dear Mike

How are you doing? I'm glad to tell you something about people's travel and the traffic in our city.

These days,more and more families own their private cars. This seems to help them travel more easily; however, it also brings lots of traffic jams during rush hours.Most people choose to travel by bus or underground, which helps reduce traffic jams and pollution. With the development of the Internet, many people like touse taxi­booking apps when they take a taxi. It's very popular in my city now.But a few people still refuse to use them because of safety reasons.

People in my city all have their favorite ways of traveling. The traffic is in good order as a whole.

Best wishes


Li Hua



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